What is mindful eating? The word mindful eating has become commonplace. But what does it actually mean? Here is my definition.
This Girl Can
This girl can. Have you seen the campaign recently launched in the UK. It’s aim is to encourage girls and women to get active. In their words “This Girl Can […]
Twenty simple diet tips
Simple diet / eating plan tips. Eat this, no eat that, drink this, no drink that, do this, no do that. The information keeps coming. Feeling confused? There is a […]
Counting calories, does it work?
Counting calories, does it work? For many the word weight loss is synonymous with calorie or kilojoule counting. For some weight loss is about measuring and monitoring each morsel of […]
How to achieve optimal health?
How to achieve optimal health? So many health experts, so many health solutions. Health information and solutions appear infinite. If you start reading or researching, you may disappear for days, […]
Diets, friend or foe?
Diets, friend or foe? I was standing at the check out counter I was running my eye over the magazine stand. I struggled to find a magazine not covered in […]
How to nap to improve mood & alertness
How to nap to improve mood and alertness. Did you know statistics indicate we are becoming more not less sleep deprived? Poor quality or lack of sleep that leads to […]
What is the role of food in your health?
What is the role of food in your health? I am sure you have thought about food and nutrition. However have you ever paused to think about the role food […]
The value of pause and reflect
Are you finishing your day fatigued and possibly a little stressed? Is this because you are short on time and long on ‘to do’ lists? Would you like to adopt […]
Why become a nutritionist?
Why become a nutritionist? What does a nutritionist do? My journey to becoming a nutritionist started a long time ago. When I was approximately 10 years old, it was discovered I […]