Healthy habits? What are the habits of healthy people? What are the habits that put and keep us on a path for having the best chance of achieving and sustaining wellbeing?
Link between BMI and cancer?
Is there is a link between BMI and cancer? We know obesity has a link to high blood pressure, blood sugar issues and heart problems. We know obesity has the […]
Organic vs non-organic fruit & veg?
Should you be eating organic fruit and veg? We know Aussies are not eating enough fruit and veg. I am therefore often beating the drum to encourage all I can […]
Should you take a daily probiotic?
Should you take a daily probiotic? A good question. And a commonly asked question. From what you read and hear you could assume that probiotics are the answer to all […]
How to achieve optimal health?
How to achieve optimal health? So many health experts, so many health solutions. Health information and solutions appear infinite. If you start reading or researching, you may disappear for days, […]
Diets, friend or foe?
Diets, friend or foe? I was standing at the check out counter I was running my eye over the magazine stand. I struggled to find a magazine not covered in […]
What is diabetes?
What is diabetes? How can you reduce your risk of diabetes? Diabetes is a chronic disease and unfortunately its prevalence in the community, from young to old is increasing. I […]
Vitamin D and Sunshine
Vitamin D deficiency appears to be more prevalent, even outside the season of winter. And as it is winter, I thought it timely to return to the topic of vitamin […]
Sugar, friend or foe
Sugar and more particularly added sugar also known as honey, sucrose, glucose, fructose, lactose, golden syrup, agave nectar, dextrose, high-fructose corn syrup, brown sugar, fruit-juice concentrate, malt, raw sugar, syrup, […]
Love healthy food but no kale in my brownie please
Love healthy food but no kale in my brownie please. You will know from having read or heard anything from me that I am passionate about healthy food and mindful-living. […]