What does healthy eating mean to you? When you think of healthy eating do you think weight loss? If your answer is “Yes”, what if I told you that the […]
Health habits of healthy people
Healthy habits? What are the habits of healthy people? What are the habits that put and keep us on a path for having the best chance of achieving and sustaining wellbeing?
Common food myths
Common food myths. Yes, food and nutrition myths do exist. How they come about I am not always sure. What I know, is that once they can get deeply embedded […]
Should you take a daily probiotic?
Should you take a daily probiotic? A good question. And a commonly asked question. From what you read and hear you could assume that probiotics are the answer to all […]
Simple exercise tips
Simple exercise tips. Some of us invest a significant amount of time and money to exericse. And some of us lack the confidence to know where to start being active. […]
Counting calories, does it work?
Counting calories, does it work? For many the word weight loss is synonymous with calorie or kilojoule counting. For some weight loss is about measuring and monitoring each morsel of […]
Eight food myths debunked
Eight food myths debunked. It is not always clear from where food myths originate, what is clear is that once embedded into our memory banks they are hard to shift. […]