Great food swaps.

We are so often told not to eat a food, however we are not often told what to replace it with.

Here is some practical based guidance on 3 categories of food swaps you can try.

These food swaps will help you embed what I believe are the key principles that define a healthy eating plan.

  1. Fresh
  2. Whole
  3. Variety
  4. Balance
  5. Moderation
  6. Quality

Four food swaps

1.    Swap processed foods for fresh foods.

Eating whole fresh foods will help you include the daily nutrients you need, eat less but enjoy your foods more.


– Eat a real orange instead of drinking orange juice.

– Eat whole (and if possible organic) oats in Bircher Muesli or as hot porridge than the breakfast cereal likely high in sugar, salt and low in fibre.

– Make your own hamburger at home with fresh food than buying a fast food outlet burger.

2.   Swap sugar dense snacks or treats for whole foods containing natural sugars

The World Health Organisation recommends we limit added sugar to approximately 24g per day (approximately 6 teaspoons).


– Have 6-8 nuts and a small piece of fruit, rather than a sugar dense muffin.

– Swap a can of soft drink for water, water with freshly squeezed lemon, lime or orange juice?  Or why not add a few fresh mint leaves to your water, I promise you will love the taste.

– Have half of cup of yoghurt with some chopped fruit and sprinkled for chia seeds for an afternoon snack rather than 3 sweet biscuits.

3.   Swap bad fats for good fats

Many australians are so confused they are cutting out all fats rather than swapping the bad fats for good fats.


– Use 1 tablespoon of avocado as your spread on toast or sandwiches rather than margarine, vegemite or mayonnaise.

– Use Australian Extra Virgin Olive Oil as your base dressing, and choose Australian.  Australia produces great quality olive oil.

– Choose pasture fed not grain fed meats.  It will taste better, contain less unnecessary residue substances and have a better fatty acid profile.

4.  Swap fibre rich foods for low fibre foods

I see eating plans that are low in fibre a lot.  Fibre has so many health promoting roles.  It is essential to include foods rich in fibre in your diet.


– Swap no meat free days for one meat free days a week – there are great plant foods that contain protein and the nutrients in meat AND they include a health promoting substance meat does not contain, it is called fibre e.g. beans, lentils, chick peas, sweet potato, mushrooms, grains such as quinoa, amaranth, buckwheat or brown rice.

– Do you know the proportion of adults who eat insufficient daily veg (5 daily serves) is 91% and the proportion of adults who eat insufficient daily fruit (2 daily serve) is 49%.  Veggies are a fantastic source of fibre!

Small changes lead to big changes

Changing your eating habits takes time, those who are most succesful start with small changes and find over time they lead to big changes.  So I encourage you to start small and build gradually.  You probably know Rome was not built in a day, well new habits are not adopted overnight, they take time and that is okay.

If you are looking for ideas, I encourage you to get in contact.

Wishing you good health.

ciao Jan