Wellbeing in the News

Jan regularly contributes to range of magazines including Huffington Post, Prevention, Body & Soul and Wellbeing Magazine.

Balancing the Grind

Balance the Grind, Nudge Group, learn how the most successful people in the world structure and manage their days

Modern life is busy, juggling priorities and making trade offs in busy days is key to ensure your day is productive and effective.  Balance the Grind invited me to share how I structure and manage my busy day.

Save The Sight Institute Key Note

The Save Sight Institute Information Day 2018

SSI leads the way in providing quality ophthalmic patient care, and is also at the forefront of research into new and improved treatments for all eye diseases.  They run an Annual Information Day.  For their 2018 Info Day, I was invited to deliver their opening key note, providing some key insights into the role nutrition plays in our day to day wellbeing.

Why is healthy eating so hard?

Radio Morning Breakfast on 2SER, 107.3

Listen to the breakfast radio interview by clicking Nutrition Negligence

Have you ever wondered what makes healthy eating so hard? Do you constantly feel tempted by not so healthy choices? Do you want to know how to stop the cycle of doing the right thing – not doing the right thing – doing the right thing?  Listen to the radio interview for tips.

Workplace Wellness – Wellbeing Bi-Monthly Column

Jan writes a bi-monthly column for Wellbeing Magazine focused on your wellness in the workplace.  In her column Jan provides an understanding of the connectedness between wellness and your performance at work, providing you insight into the recipe for remaining energised, engaged, empowered and purposeful at work.

Read an example of her column here.   For more check out the latest issue of the Wellbeing Magazine.

12 Easy Ways to Sustain Eating Healthy

Diet Spot Light

A healthy diet means making the choice to eat healthily. It can make weight loss easier and increase your energy. It can also help improve your mood and reduce your potential for disease. In spite of all the benefits that come with maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle, it can still be very difficult.  … The following 12 tips will help you stick to a healthy diet.

Healthy Fatty Foods Nutritionists Want You To Eat

Healthy At 60

After years of being told you need to cut back on your fats, word on the street is fat is back! You’ve all heard about poly and monounsaturated fats.   You find them in olive oil, avocado and …

Wellbeing at Work – Wellbeing Magazine

A healthy workplace offers benefits for employees and the businesses that employ them, but to put a workplace wellness program in place you need to understand what  your people and business need.  wellatwork_janmcleod-wellbeingmagdec2016.

You can find the full article in Wellbeing Magazine out now, December 2016.

Why you need to consciously manage your energy levels?

Huffington Post – Refresh & Lifestyle

Up at the crack of dawn to hit the gym, or get the kids ready, rush out the door, grab a coffee to go, land at your desk and feverishly bash out emails for a few hours until you’re spent?  That scenario is not uncommon …  but how should we approach managing our energy expenditure?

Life changes that will improve your health starting today

Body & Soul – Health
So you want to get healthier but aren’t sure where to start? Health coach and nutritionist, Jan McLeod has some simple life tweaks that will have you seeing results, starting today….

6 kooky new superfoods

Prevention Magazine – Nutrition
Six kooky new superfoods you’ve never heard of.  From mountain peanut to edible sea vegetables, we gazed into our nutrition crystal ball to predict hot new trends …

Meat Free Week: Vegetarian Recipes and The Case for Flexitarianism

RESCU.com.au: Food News
Australians eat three times the world average of meat each year. Far from something to be proud of, this record-breaking rate of consumption is damaging our health …

How healthy are supermarket bought dinner kits?

Prevention Magazine – Grocery Guru
Just how healthy are the pre-packaged dinner kits from your supermarket? Jan McLeod reviews the ingredients, what to look for, what to aovid … how to increase their healthy rating.

How to stay healthy when travelling

KarryOn: The voice of the travel industry
Being healthy whilst you’re travelling might sound like an encroachment on your fun and freedom, but nutritionist Jan McLeods top nutrition and health tips will ensure you stay well.

A Chat with Chika; Jan McLeod interviewed by Kerry Chivaroski, ex NSW Premier, on reducing excessive meat intake

Eagle Waves Radio
Jan McLeod nutritionist and health expert was interviewed by Chika (Kerry Chivaroski) to discuss her views, insights and views on current trends in health and nutrition, in particular the importance of moderating meat intake and practical strategies for reducing excessive meat intake.

Healthy Living

Latte Magazine – Jan McLeod in Spotlight, Business Chicks
Jan McLeod is passionate about inspiring, informing and empowering people to achieve long-term quality health.  Download PDF

Meat Free Week, 2014 and 2015

Nutritionist and health coach Jan McLeod joined a panel of experts to outline the benefits of reducing your meat intake and increasing your daily intake of veg.

8 Common Food Myths Debunked

It’s not always clear where food myths come from, but they can lead us astray in our attempts to be healthier. Nutritionist and health coach Jan McLeod debunks eight common food and health myths.

5 ways to have a healthy Australia Day

Beauty Heaven
For many Australians, Australia Day means barbeques, sunshine and beer. Nutritionist Jan McLeod has some top tips to help you enjoy a little indulgence without overdoing it.

New Year Health Priorities

Green Lifestyle
Wellbeing expert Jan McLeod talks about the benefits of doing a health and wellbeing review at the start of the new year to help you prioritise your health in 2014.

More Info?

Make contact via phone or email.